45 minutos
4 vídeos
5 áudios
9 textos
Categoria: aula gravada
Esta atividade oferece uma compreensão aprofundada dos advérbios de frequência em inglês, essenciais para indicar a regularidade de ações. Advérbios comuns, como "always," "usually," e "never," são apresentados em ordem decrescente de frequência. A colocação típica desses advérbios é antes do verbo principal na frase, com exceção do verbo to be (am, is, are, was, were), onde o advérbio segue o verbo to be. Exemplos práticos são fornecidos para ilustrar o uso desses advérbios, fundamentais para descrever rotinas e hábitos em inglês.
Bônus: Present Simple com 'do' e 'does':
Entendemos que uma compreensão sólida do Present Simple é crucial para a aplicação eficaz dos advérbios de frequência. Portanto, oferecemos um bônus exclusivo dedicado ao uso de 'do' e 'does' neste tempo verbal. Este módulo adicional fornecerá insights aprofundados e exercícios práticos para garantir que você possa usar o Present Simple de maneira confiante.
O que você vai aprender
- Video aula sobre Advérbios de frequência
- Present simple Do e Does
- Verbs of feelings
- Jobs and routine audio lesson
- What I like > audio lesson
Video lesson intro
Adverbs of frequency
- 2 > Lista de advérbios de frequência > Material informativo
- 3 > What´s the weather like? This worksheet presents basic vocabulary for describing the weather. Students talk about the weather in their countries using adverbs of frequency.
- How often is often audio lesson > 2
- 4 > My free time > students learn vocabulary for typical leisure time activities. The worksheet also presents adverbs of frequency (never, rarely, sometimes, often, etc.) as well as once/twice/three times a week/month/year. There are lots of How often ...? questions and opportunities for students to communicate with each other using the target language.
- My free time audio lesson
Bonus > Present simple > Do & Does
- 1 > Introdução Do e Does - Vídeo Prévia with Dom
- 2 > Present simple na interrogativa > Short video with Dom
- 3 > Verbs of feelings > Video lesson > with Dom
- 4 > In this lesson, the names of various jobs are introduced, and students learn how to speak about their daily routines using the present simple. The present simple affirmative and question forms are presented.
- Jobs and routines audio lesson
- 5 > Students revise and extend phrases to describe leisure activities and listen to two short interviews about how people spend their free time. The language point is (really) + like/love/hate/prefer + verb with -ing. Students practise the target language in a speaking activity and there is a short optional extension activity exploring the use of a lot/not very much with like/don’t like.
- What I like audio lesson
- 6 > In this lesson, students develop their listening and speaking skills in the context of meeting people for the first time. Students start by reading some simple advice and discussing the importance of each point. They then listen to people meeting for the first time and answer a set of comprehension questions. Students then highlight and practise useful language to use for introductions and finish by completing a roleplay task to consolidate the language in a real-life situation.
- First meeting audio lesson
- 7 > Present simple grammar lesson 1
- 8 > Present simple grammar lesson 2
- 9 > Present simple grammar lesson 3
Fazer com que você entenda de fato quando usar os advérbios de frequência
Esta aula foi projetada para atender às necessidades do
público iniciante até pré-intermediário.
Teacher Dom
Descrição do curso
Categoria: aula gravada
Esta atividade oferece uma compreensão aprofundada dos advérbios de frequência em inglês, essenciais para indicar a regularidade de ações. Advérbios comuns, como "always," "usually," e "never," são apresentados em ordem decrescente de frequência. A colocação típica desses advérbios é antes do verbo principal na frase, com exceção do verbo to be (am, is, are, was, were), onde o advérbio segue o verbo to be. Exemplos práticos são fornecidos para ilustrar o uso desses advérbios, fundamentais para descrever rotinas e hábitos em inglês.
Bônus: Present Simple com 'do' e 'does':
Entendemos que uma compreensão sólida do Present Simple é crucial para a aplicação eficaz dos advérbios de frequência. Portanto, oferecemos um bônus exclusivo dedicado ao uso de 'do' e 'does' neste tempo verbal. Este módulo adicional fornecerá insights aprofundados e exercícios práticos para garantir que você possa usar o Present Simple de maneira confiante.
O que você vai aprender
- Video aula sobre Advérbios de frequência
- Present simple Do e Does
- Verbs of feelings
- Jobs and routine audio lesson
- What I like > audio lesson
Video lesson intro
Adverbs of frequency
- 2 > Lista de advérbios de frequência > Material informativo
- 3 > What´s the weather like? This worksheet presents basic vocabulary for describing the weather. Students talk about the weather in their countries using adverbs of frequency.
- How often is often audio lesson > 2
- 4 > My free time > students learn vocabulary for typical leisure time activities. The worksheet also presents adverbs of frequency (never, rarely, sometimes, often, etc.) as well as once/twice/three times a week/month/year. There are lots of How often ...? questions and opportunities for students to communicate with each other using the target language.
- My free time audio lesson
Bonus > Present simple > Do & Does
- 1 > Introdução Do e Does - Vídeo Prévia with Dom
- 2 > Present simple na interrogativa > Short video with Dom
- 3 > Verbs of feelings > Video lesson > with Dom
- 4 > In this lesson, the names of various jobs are introduced, and students learn how to speak about their daily routines using the present simple. The present simple affirmative and question forms are presented.
- Jobs and routines audio lesson
- 5 > Students revise and extend phrases to describe leisure activities and listen to two short interviews about how people spend their free time. The language point is (really) + like/love/hate/prefer + verb with -ing. Students practise the target language in a speaking activity and there is a short optional extension activity exploring the use of a lot/not very much with like/don’t like.
- What I like audio lesson
- 6 > In this lesson, students develop their listening and speaking skills in the context of meeting people for the first time. Students start by reading some simple advice and discussing the importance of each point. They then listen to people meeting for the first time and answer a set of comprehension questions. Students then highlight and practise useful language to use for introductions and finish by completing a roleplay task to consolidate the language in a real-life situation.
- First meeting audio lesson
- 7 > Present simple grammar lesson 1
- 8 > Present simple grammar lesson 2
- 9 > Present simple grammar lesson 3
Informações gerais
Fazer com que você entenda de fato quando usar os advérbios de frequência
Esta aula foi projetada para atender às necessidades do
público iniciante até pré-intermediário.
Teacher Dom